FAREWELL, our beloved (Tito) Wilson...♥

When a loved one dies, those left behind are filled with conflicting emotions of intense sorrow and grief, coupled with Christian joy and thankfulness that the suffering is over and everlasting life in heaven is beginning.

Let us pray for our brother Wilson.  May our farewells express our affection for him; may it case our sadness and strengthen our hope that one day we shall joyfully greet him again with the love of Christ which conquers all things and destroys even death himself.

Eternal rest grant unto him, O Lord, and let perpetual light shine upon him.

Most  Reverend Vicente M. Navarra, D.D.
Bishop of Bacolod

My family and I attended the Necrological Mass and Tribute for the late Assemblyman Wilson Gamboa Sr. ("Tito Wilson") last night, Friday, October 21st, at the San Sebastian Cathedral.
 The Eulogy was a most touching one.
 His close friends like Ambassador Abdul Alonto, Atty.Rex Remitio, Atty.Philip Lustre, (my husband) Atty.Rolando "Babes" Estrella, former Mayor Oca Verdeflor, former Senator Kit Tatad, and children (Manang) Wilma, Lauro, Pipoy, Antonino ("Babu"), & Jun (Wilson Jr.) all gave a beautiful tribute to our beloved departed (Tito) Wilson. ♥

Atty.Rinaldo Remitio ("Tito Rex")

(my husband) former Councilor and Vice Mayor 
Atty.Rolando "Babes" Estrella

former Senator Kit Tatad

former Councilor Jun (Wilson Jr.) Gamboa

my good friend from college days when I was in U.P. Dili.
 ~ Antonino ("Babu") Gamboa

Rosseller "Pipoy" C. Gamboa

Ivan Guez
(son-in-law of Tito Wilson)

'Manang' Wilma C. Gamboa-Guez
(only daughter of Tito Wilson)

Jose Lauro C. Gamboa

But lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust doth corrupt, and where thieves do not break through nor steal.
 (Matthew 6:20)

Gamboa spoke his heart
Saturday, October 22, 2011

The late assemblyman Wilson Prio Gamboa Sr. was very active in burning issues of the day, his conversation enriched the company he kept and he was a man who remained true to his character, former Senator Francisco “Kit” Tatad said yesterday during a necrological mass at the San Sebastian Cathedral in Bacolod City.

Tatad said Gamboa’s favorable opinion was always sought while his disapproval was always feared because he spoke his heart and mind without ulterior motive.

Ambassador Abdul Alonto said Gamboa will be remembered by everyone whose lives he had touched.

Gamboa, whom he called his friend and kumpadre, was not only a patriot but a true Christian, a loving husband and doting father to his children and a distinctive friend, Alonto said.   

Lawyer Rex Remitio recalled how Gamboa struggled against all odds to overcome economic difficulty to become a lawyer and accountant.

He said Gamboa served as councilor of Bacolod for two terms, was Undersecretary of National Defense, was appointed Sugar Regulatory Administrator and later governor of the Development Bank of the Philippines.

Rolando “Babes” Estrella, also a lawyer, said Gamboa gave his life to God, country and people.

He was the only opposition candidate who won a seat in Negros as assemblyman because of his unwavering principles and he was not beholden to any partisan group, he said. Gamboa was also appointed to important national positions like Secretary of Agrarian reform, he added.

A representative of lawyer Philip Lustre also spoke of Gamboa’s integrity.

Gamboa’s children said their father deserves to rest since he has been struggling all his life, from birth to his last breath.  They also looked up to him as a very strong man although they are sad that they have lost a great man.

Also present were former Mayor Oscar Vedeflor and Mayor Evelio Leonardia.

Gamboa’s remains will be cremated today in the presence of his family.

Meanwhile, a resolution of sympathy and condolence to the family of Gamboa, who died on Oct. 13, 2011, was approved by the Bacolod Sangguniang Panlungsod Thursday, authored by Councilor Catalino Alisbo.

Leonardia had earlier signed an Executive Order giving honor and recognition to Gamboa for his significant contribution to Bacolod City and directed the observation of a half-mast flag in mourning for his death.*CGS

half-mast flag in mourning of former Assemblyman Wilson Gamboa Sr.'s death 
~ as per Executive order signed by Mayor Bing Leonardia

"All the world is a stage,
And all the men and women merely players,
They have their exits and entrances,
And one man in his time plays many parts."
~William Shakespeare 

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