Top 3 Energy Boosters

Eat right!
Here are top 3 energy boosters:

High-protein foods will keep us from getting hungry and snacking, and also help to maintain energy throughout the day.

Serving Suggestion:
 Center every meal around protein such as chicken, turkey, fish, light cheese, cottage cheese, or peanut butter.
 For breakfast, why not have whole wheat bread with peanut butter;
 for lunch, include cottage cheese with fruit;
 and for dinner, go with fish or chicken.

 If, two hours after you've eaten, you still feel hungry and tired, chances are, you didn't get enough protein.

Complex Carbohydrates

Complex carbs take longer to digest, contain less fat, and supply more energy than simple carbs.

Excellent choices of complex carbohydrates include brown rice, grains (such as cereal or bread), potatoes, yams, oatmeal, pasta (like egg noodles or rice), and vegetables (like potatoes and green beans).

Serving Suggestion:
 Let's opt for whole grain pasta, bread, and cereal and complex carbohydrates whenever possible.
 Instead of white bread, let's go for whole wheat or multigrain; 
in lieu of corn flakes, let's try raisin bran. 

healthy whole wheat pasta

multigrain bread

 Don't be afraid of the organic foods section at the grocery store
 (incidentally, that's my fav'rite section!), 
where you're likely to find lots of whole-grain pasta, bread, and cereal options.

Water is the number-one way to flush out toxins, prevent dehydration, and keep our body running in top shape.

Serving Suggestion:
 Instead of reaching for that can of sugary softdrink, let's make an effort to substitute a glass of water.
 The amount of water we need depends on our weight.
 A good way to determine how much we need is to take our body weight and divide it by two.
 The resulting number is the number of ounces we should be drinking every day.
 For example, if you weigh 130 pounds, you should try to drink 65 ounces of water daily.

 To wean yourself off softdrinks, get flavored bottled water or add a calamansi (or lemon) to your glass.
(As for me, I've stopped drinking softdrinks for a long time now ~ in fact, it's been years.
 But I won't deny the fact that every once in a while, I do indulge
 [yeah, I know, it's bad-bad-bad ~ but goodness gracious, the lure of ice-cold cola with a plate of of your favorite dish is just irresistible!  LOL],
 especially during occasions like birthdays 
and of course, Christmas! hehehe)

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