5 Warning Signs of Depression

Depression is clinically understood as an illness,
 but quite often the warning signs given when someone is becoming depressed are misread,
 and sometimes they go completely unnoticed.
 When the symptoms are regarded in isolation it is all too easy to dismiss them as indicators that someone is just 
'being sad'  about a particular event.
If you are aware of all of the symptoms of the illness,
 and see a number of them combined,
 then this may be a clear indication that someone is suffering from depression,
 and medical help should be sought.
As with all medical conditions,
the key to treating this illness is early diagnosis.
 The longer that a person lives with depression,
 the more likely they are to suffer from its more serious negative effects. 

Lack of Interest 
 When someone shows a complete lack of interest in activities that they used to enjoy this may indicate that they are suffering from depression.
  This might include anything from not attending social events, dropping out of clubs, stopping sporting activities, or cutting themselves off from friendship groups.
 This symptom of depression can effectively cause the condition to worsen as it may damage relationships, which can further the sense of sadness in the sufferer.

Change of Eating Habits 
 Another major warning sign of depression is when someone completely changes their approach to diet.
 This is not an indicator taken on its own, as there are many reasons for a change in eating habits.
 However, if combined with other symptoms, like a complete apathy towards making food this can be seen as a symptom of depression.
 The changes in physical appearance caused by a dietary change such as a large weight gain or loss, can sometimes cause the depression to become worse.

Problems With Sleep 
 When someone is suffering with depression they may have problems with sleep.
 An inability to sleep and/or constant fatigue, which can be the result of sleepless nights, is a clear sign of depression.
 This problem may manifest itself through sporadic waking up in the night, or with full-blown insomnia.
 The lack of sleep can also cause the depression to worsen as it reduces the sufferer's ability to cope with the other symptoms.

Physical Pain
 Depression can have a physical manifestation and a sudden increase and frequency in headaches, stomach aches, or physical symptoms can be another sign of depression.
 Where there are physical pains it is essential to check these through first, with traditional medical treatments, but they may also indicate that the person is suffering from depression.

Self Harming 
 Probably the most serious sign of depression is when the sufferer considers harming themselves.
 Unlike any of the other symptoms, which can be indicators of a range of other conditions, this sign is almost singular to depression, and can have the most serious of consequences.

Depression and suicide
Depression is a major risk factor for suicide.
The deep despair and hopelessness that goes along with depression can make suicide feel like the only way to escape the pain.
Thoughts of death or suicide are a serious symptom of depression, so take any suicidal talk or behavior seriously.
It's not just a warning sign that the person is thinking about suicide: it's a cry for help.

Warning signs of suicide include:
1. Talking about killing or harming one's self
2. Expressing strong feelings of hopelessness or being trapped
3. An unusual preoccupation with death or dying
4. Acting recklessly, as if they have a death wish
(for instance, speeding through red lights)
5. Calling or visiting people to say goodbye
6. Getting affairs in order
(giving away prized possessions, tying up loose ends)
7. Saying things like "Everyone would be better without me" or "I want out"
8. A sudden switch from being extremely depressed to acting calm and happy

If you think a friend or family member is considering suicide, express your concern and seek professional help immediately.
Talking openly about suicidal thoughts and feelings can save a life!

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