Let's get rid of that “stuff” we don’t need anymore!!

In a world that's always moving, it can be hard to keep life organized.
A few hours of thorough cleaning and rearranging can help, however, by reducing clutter.

Clutter-Free Tips

Recycle and Throw Away

  • If you're a pack rat, this can be the hardest step~~but it's the easiest way to reduce clutter.
    Why not start with one room...that's what I usually do.
     Sort through the items in that room and determine what you don't use and can live without.
     If you're saving something because you maybe, possibly, just might have a tiny chance of needing it in the future, get rid of it!
     Then, move on to the next room.
    As you're deciding what to keep and what to get rid of, determine if what you're throwing away could be recycled or donated.
    You could even have a *Garage Sale  with the items you're getting rid of, and whatever doesn't sell, donate
     (or give to those less-privileged like your household staff or workers in the farm) like what I do.
    (I also give to "Manang Fe", a poor widow with many children ~ she is the caretaker of my Dad's mausoleum at the memorial park.)

    (*Speaking of  *Garage Sale, I joined one again today and was happy to get rid of "stuff" I don't need anymore.
     Was lucky to turn my "clutter" to a few thousand pesos!)


  • Sometimes clutter appears because there isn't enough storage space or the storage space isn't organized.
    Once again, start with one room.
     Organize everything in that room in a way that works for you.
     As long as you can find what you need when you need it, and things aren't messy and spread out all over the place, consider the room clutter-free and organized.
    If you don't have enough storage space, invest in space-saving devices, which are sold at most home and appliance stores.

    Make Lists and Piles

    • If you are very busy or have a lot to get done, clutter can pile up~~bills to pay, letters to mail, laundry to do.
      Make sure things don't get too messy or wind up in one big, unmanageable heap.
       Make a list of the tasks you need to get done, or use a calendar, and keep it in a visible place.
       When the task is done, cross it off the list.
      Separate the items you need for each task, and put them in an accessible place, so you remember them.
       For example, bills could go in a basket by your computer, so you remember to pay them and can find the papers you need to do so.
       Laundry should go into the hamper, instead of spread around the house, so it's all in one spot when the household help are ready to do the wash.
      (*In our home, I make sure there's a laundry hamper in every bathroom of every room.)

    Keep it Clean

    • Once you get organized and reduce the clutter, keep it that way.
       Start by putting things away after you use them so a big mess doesn't build up.
       Cleaning up small messes is a lot easier than being lazy and having to clean up a giant mess in the end.

      Good Luck to us and our "kalat" (clutter)!?!

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