From the onset of life~~~and actually, through more of it than we realize~~~one goes through the motions, caught up in life's whirlwind directions. More often than not, we end up acting in a knee-jerk way, responding to its various unpredictable whims.
As one gets older and wiser, one begins to see patterns. One begins to be keenly aware of weaknesses and one begins to see opportunities for growth.
That's when one begins to learn how to navigate.
My current formula for navigating life:
* Don't get sucked in.
~I've recently noticed how my computer "sucks" me in. And work as well. It's like I can't live without my Smart phone & Sun phone within my grasp. In the past few days I have tried making a conscious effort not to reach for them first thing when I wake up and I have found my mornings much peaceful.
~I don't anymore watch TV before I sleep (except for the early evening news); that way my sleep is deeper and more peaceful.
~I have found that if I am too energetically connected to my computer & my phones, my life becomes full of worries and concerns instead of feeling the undercurrent stillness and divine grace that actually makes work much better, perceptions much clearer.
~Let's not get sucked in. Let us let peace interlace our rhythm of life.
* Don't react!
~No matter what happens~~~don't be reactive. This is a lesson I still need to master as I am an intense person. But time and again my painful lesson is that once I lose it~~~once I rock the boat~~~it takes double effort to get back on track. No matter how righteous you think you are or seemingly well-deserved your reaction is~~~it just doesn't work, and it doesn't help. That's my experience, anyway.
* Schedule sojourns with nature at its purest.
{I am always happy whenever I am at my Tito Albert's beautiful, relaxing La Vista Highlands. The energy of the land & the mountains 'heals' me and 'cleanses' me.}
~Let us feel the land energies..the energy of nature...the mountains, the seas. Let them give themselves to us. It is healing and cleansing. And the effect lasts for days after. This is the blessing nature offers. This is the blessing our country offers. Let's take it.
* Let's have a healthy lifestyle.
~Let us keep away from fried, synthetic, & overly-processed foods. Let us eat lots of salads, vegetables and fruits. Let us not eat heavily late at night. Food really affects our well-being. (I've gone back to my brisk walking exercise lately & I feel, if I eat healthy, exercise and keep still {meditate}~~~I feel invincible!) :-)
* Let's take time to center ourselves.
~Work consumes us. Family consumes us. Where is the time for us to just feel like ourselves? Let us enter spaces where we can feel peace beyond the chaos. I would say this is a must. It is the source of strength and vitality. I think it's worry that ages us...
* Do something good for others.
~Whenever I do little things for 'little people', I am actually filled with excitement at the prospect of making life better for them~even in a 'little way'. When I see hope dawning into their lives, my own little heart fills with light and love. It's an exhilirating experience. ♥
* Rest.
~Let us not have the feeling that we have to do everything. We will just burn out. I have found that if I tune in to the 'higher force' and rest, it just carries me through. Rest! Relax. (Go to La Vista Highlands?!) Let our will rest to the divine will.
The Bible says, "He that overcomes will inherit all things."
Will, determination, and resonating with the divine is the path for us.
If we can maneuver ourselves to a higher level of awareness, life can be quite wonderful and exciting.
We have this life.
Let us make the most of it.
Love and light,

(panoramic views and majestic mountains...at our beautiful La Vista Highlands)
La Vista Highlands
Km.67, Barangay Prosperidad, San Carlos, Negros Occidental, Philippines
For inquiries/reservations: contact Ms.Tonette @ 0921-612-45-97.
La Vista Highlands
Km.67, Barangay Prosperidad, San Carlos, Negros Occidental, Philippines
For inquiries/reservations: contact Ms.Tonette @ 0921-612-45-97.