King Solomon Oracle Cards ~ Jan. 15th, 2012
Situation: This card signifies a great deal of movement / expect changes in work, business, home, or relationships/ travelling to far-away places/ a job that require a lot of travel.
Person: A world traveller/ a well-educated person/ someone constantly on the move who experiences a great deal.
Advice: Changing location will bring favorable results/ travelling will be a step towards success/ you should go on a trip to clear your mind/ seriously consider any opportunities that might require a change of location.
(* The King Solomon Oracle card I drew today is very significant to me.
For, I am, in reality, on a journey...a spiritual journey.
This year 2012 will be a year of changes ~ positive changes for me.
I know I will be doing a lot of travelling...and soul-searching.
Change is good ~ especially if it connotes 'growth'.
I welcome change.
I welcome Spirit to guide me where I should be.) ♥
Love and light,
During this and the upcoming years of change it is important for people to stay calm, balanced and grounded. Otherwise you might find yourself being swept up in the whirlwinds that are circling the earth - whether they are connected to politics, the economy, or religion. How do you do this? Start by turning off all distractions and practice sitting quietly in your "heart of hearts." Here is a short meditation you might like to use.
1. Take several deep calming breaths and with each exhale, release the tensions and worries of the day.
2. Center your attention on your heart.
3. Visualize a brilliant white light surrounding your heart and the area of your heart chakra (located in the center of your chest area).
4. Sit quietly in this sacred space of your heart until you feel calm, balanced and grounded.
5. Conclude your meditation by saying, "I AM grateful for this gift of light."
May the God of the rising sun wake you up
May the God of the morning sky send you on your way
May the God of noon-day stillness renew your strength
May the God of the afternoon bring you home
May the God of the sunset delight your eye
May the God of twilight calm your nerves
And may the God of dusk bring you peace
And may God bless you...
The rising and the setting sun
The Alpha and the Omega
The beginning and the end
Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. Amen.
---An Irish Blessing.
May the sun bring you energy by day,
May the moon softly restore you by night,
May the rain wash away your worries,
May the breeze blow new strength into your being.
May you walk gently through the world
and know its beauty all the days of your life.
Our human limitations are based on fear and the agreements we have made to be limited. All fear can be processed, and all those agreements are now past their due date and can be removed. Welcome to the new paradigm.
-Inelia Benz